Smartphone effect on Human Relations in today's world

Organizations are becoming boundary less and the world is coming together to form one global community.But the question to ask here is whether we are losing our human touch.In the age of smart phone and smart gadgets are we losing our smartness. As technology advancements and innovations are increasing is there a threat to our civilization.We hear a lot about IQ,EQ and SQ, but do we really care about the HQ(Human Quotient). In this selfish world where we are trying to be independent and ignorant to the level of not helping the needy. I remember a few years ago the relationships were different. There was more time which people had for each other.People used to come together ,celebrate and enjoy occasions. Festivals were more than DJ parties and competitions. Money was not the center of the universe.
Things have changed thick and fast. Today charity has become a marketing activity and CSR a promotion. Unfortunately religion is also used as a tool to exploit people , both emotionally and financially. The problem in today's world is that no one has time and whatever little time they have is used in surfing or chatting on the smartphone.No offence to anyone but the smartphones are literally ruining the relationships. Forget listening to others, people do not even show each other respect, as we often see cases where someone is saying something and the opposite person is busy on his/her phone. In the times to come it seems this situation will worsen.In the age of virtual reality I hope our relations don't become virtual.
When was the last time you spent a whole day with your family or a loved one without even looking at your smartphone.Forget a day I can bet I will hardly find anyone who has spent a few hours doing so. It is essential for us to understand that human relations are of utmost importance and that the virtual world is no real.The earlier we understand that the better we become. Having a human touch is very soothing and satisfactory


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