The changing trends of training

The first thing that comes to mind when we hear training is a classroom type of environment where one white haired person (assumed to be very experienced) is delivering a lecture to teach the people present how to develop some skills.
But this was some years ago,not any more.Of late training has transformed leaps and bounds.The word itself has undergone change from 'Training' to 'Learning'.
Now a days people don't want to be constrained by sitting in the class and listening to lectures which may be very dry. Action oriented stuff is in demand and people are preferring a  boundary less environment where they can experience knowledge flow and still have the fun and excitement which is not available in the four closed walls of the office environment.
Experiential learning is picking up and is the current trend for companies seriously looking in training and development of their employees.Age barriers are being broken and cross functional trends are setting in. It is just to enough to know only one skill. In a highly competitive environment  you have to either perform or perish. Stress levels are rising and so is the inflation. In classical Indian terms its becoming a 'Khichdi'. Focus on engagement is perhaps one of the solution for this. Outbound programs have been the talk of the town for a long time now.But with them the cost also increases which is undesirable for the companies.
A trendsetter can be Adventure based learning which can be a solution for all the problems.
1. Costs are equivalent or marginally higher than classroom training unlike huge costs of resort based outbound programs
2. Fun oriented learning where everyone has to do the activity individually, due to which there is a ownership and accountability.The corresponding learning is much better than that in a lecture
3. Fresh open environment leads to greater relaxation and better creative application.
'TREKINCREDIBLE' is one such adventure entity which understands this issue and has developed a varied set of programs that may benefit the corporates. It is happy to pioneer the changing trends of the learning and development industry.


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